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2008 – Present

  • SPIRIT: Masters thesis; third person view interface for controlling a monocular drone
  • Yozakura: Software lead for a teleoperated rescue robot
  • Gestural control of robots: Infrastructure for controlling robots with gestures
  • Open source projects
    • Two packages on PyPI, including latexipy (129 stars) for exporting Matplotlib-based plots into native LaTeX
    • Many repositories on GitHub, including resume (118 stars) and AoC 2021, 2022
    • Contributions to major and minor open source projects, including numpy, ROS, and more
  • Course projects from the University of Waterloo

During my academic and professional career, I've been involved in a wide range of projects, showcasing my versatility and capacity for innovation. Below is a selection of some of the most significant projects I've worked on.

Robotics projects

Highlighted robotics projects from my time at Kyoto University include:


2015 – 2017

  • Masters thesis project at Kyoto University, developing a third-person view interface for controlling a monocular drone.
  • Created a system that superimposed a CGI version of the drone on top of an actual image taken by the FPV camera earlier.
  • Designed, conducted, and analyzed user studies which were performed to test the efficacy of the system, which showed a large improvement in many metrics, even with a 2 Hz transmission rate.


2014 – 2015

  • Led the software development team for the Yozakura teleoperated rescue robot at Kyoto University's Mechatronics Lab.
  • Developed a client-server system for robot control and wrote code for onboard Raspberry Pi and mbed chips, including drivers for various controllers and sensors.
  • The code was robust against failure and well-documented, providing useful error messages for hardware, software, and operator errors of various types, and correcting them where necessary.

Gestural control of robots

2014 – 2015

  • Initial research project at Kyoto University aimed at developing infrastructure to allow ergonomic control of robots using gestures.
  • Designed and developed infrastructure that abstracted away the interface used by using an API, with a proof of concept using the Myo armband from Thalmic Labs to control robots.

Open source projects

2008 – Present

  • Two packages on PyPI, including latexipy (129 stars) for exporting Matplotlib-based plots into native LaTeX.
  • Many repositories on GitHub, including my resume generator (118 stars), as well as the 2021 and 2022 Advent of Code repositories.
  • Contributions to major and minor open source projects, including numpy, ROS, and more.

University of Waterloo projects

2008 – 2013

Details of my projects during my time at the University of Waterloo can be found at the undergraduate projects page.